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Ercuis LogoErcuis Saturne table accessories -

Ercuis Oléa

Ercuis Transat

The entire collection of Ercuis Saturne

Ercuis Saturne table accessories
Ercuis brand shop

As simple as plausible - the

horizontal ring adds the tapered silver objects a sparkling dynamic.
The bar accessories from champagne to vodka continue the long tradition of the French silversmiths in silverware.

Modern design combined with elegant

functionality clears the way Saturn's for stylish enjoyment.

Made in France
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    Saturne is highly polished.

    The extraordinary table accessories has only some additional parts .


    A brilliant name among the

    French silversmiths. The manufacture Ercuis founded in the 19th century makes beside the traditional cutleries with French air extremely winning and elegant jewels in combinations with exotic woods and semiprecious stones.

    In 1867 the silver manufacture

    is founded by the priest Adrien Céleste Pillon in a small village to the north of Paris. In the beginnings the company beside cutlery produced mainly silver objects for the church use. Already at the end of the 19th century the brand opened a shop in Paris and adapted also the products to the Paris taste: the main focus moved to cutleries and hollow product

    Ercuis brand shop
    All items of Ercuis


    Apostrophe Baguette Bali Brantôme Calypso Bleu Calypso Ivoire Calypso Noir Calypso Rouge Calypso Vert Chorus Citeaux Du Barry Empire Equilibre Insolent Bleu Insolent Ivoire Insolent Noir Insolent Rouge Insolent Vert La Fayette Lauriers Nil Paris Rocaille Sequoia Sully Sully Acier Transat Turenne Vieux Paris

    table accessories

    Oléa Saturne Transat

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