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Berndorf LogoBerndorf Royal Baguette cutlery in stainless

Berndorf Premiere cutlery

Berndorf Royal Chippendale cutlery

The entire collection of Berndorf Royal Baguette

Berndorf brand shop

This familiar pattern is very

popular for more than 100 years. The Austrian brand has varied the design with the bow on the stem and transfers characteristics on a cutlery with modern proportions.

Equipped with a solid hollow

handle knife and the various supplementary parts of Classic Baguette this model is a good companion for daily use. Together with SD One Blanc with its idiosyncratic dishes it has quite arrived in the 21st century.

also available in: 90g silverplated
18/10 stainless
knife type:
hollow handle
material thickness:
3,5 mm

High-quality design and functional

equipment. The history the Berndorf cutlery has become in Europe a synonym for long-lasting respectable eating tools, with a modern range which does not deny his

...Berndorf brand shop
print version
complete sets

complete sets in stainless

For details please click on the item
  • items
  • dinner set 30 pcs in 18/10 stainless
    •   6 dinner spoon
    •   6 dinner fork
    •   6 dinner knife hollow handle
    •   6 coffee spoon
    •   6 pastry fork
    our price 149,00 EUR* incl VAT and plus shipping 189,00 EUR** (tax free: 125,21€) ► in $ ► shipping costs + delivery time
single parts

single parts in stainless

For details please click on the item
  • items
  • dinner spoon Berndorf Royal Baguette dinner spoon in 18/10 stainless
    length: 185 mm [7¼]
    8,50 EUR *incl VAT and plus shipping tax free: 7,14€ ► shipping costs + delivery time
    On Stock
  • dinner fork Berndorf Royal Baguette dinner fork in 18/10 stainless
    length: 185 mm [7¼]
    8,50 EUR *incl VAT and plus shipping tax free: 7,14€ ► shipping costs + delivery time
    On Stock
  • dinner knife hollow handle Berndorf Royal Baguette dinner knife hollow handle in 18/10 stainless
    length: 210 mm [8¼]
    15,90 EUR *incl VAT and plus shipping while stocks last
    tax free: 13,36€ ► shipping costs + delivery time
with prepayment 2% discount!
Tax-Free delivery to all NON-EU countries.
All prices are valid throughout the EU including the statutory VAT of the delivery country. The displayed net prices are valid for exports to non-EU countries.. plus shipping! 4 items

This cutlery is made from

18/10 high-grade steel . stainless steel is an alloy of steel, chrome and nickel which is used preferentially with quality cutlery. Chrome and nickel provide for the corrosion resistance and the softer shine which can be noticed on closer inspection. The steel of this cutlery includes 18% chrome and 10% nickel and is dishwasher safe and resistant against light acids and waters.

Berndorf Royal Baguette has

knives with a hollow handle. Knives with a hollow handle have a blade of special steel which is clearly sharper than a blade from an simple chrome steel. The high-quality hollow handle knives are always composed from two parts, with this cutlery from the blade and the handle from stainless. Berndorf Royal Baguette in stainless is highly polished. The classical cutlery has only some additional parts: from dinner knife hollow handle to dinner spoon, from dinner fork to dinner spoon .

All items of Berndorf

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today: March, 28th 2025 |  last update: March, 28th 2025 | items online 22068

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